Country Clips Holistic Dog Grooming Salon

Country Clips Holistic Dog Grooming Salon


Intuitive Healing for people - Coming Soon!!

Auric Healing for Health & Wellbeing

Healing isn't just for our dogs, it can often be a perfect remedy to assist ourselves through all sorts of life experience's.

Physical pain and emotions are all intertwined, leaving different energy stagnation in parts of our body, which can relieve our mental chatter and overall wellbeing when released.  I have been connected to deep inner knowing which allows me to pass on messages of guidance which has opportunities for change within our lives. We are made up of energy and when we can begin to understand our sensitivity's our abilities make sense. I look forward to introducing Plant Spirit Intuitive Healing to in person one-on-one sessions, currently I am facilitating Energy nature workshops. There will be a private space to enjoy your session in peace.